is the Beginning of Knowledge
and the Foundation of Learning
As our children grow, they navigate the physical and natural world around us as well as the digital, science and technology worlds of our culture. The Science Safari welcomes you to an amazing local place where these worlds meet: find toys to play with, learning for school, and a close local community you will love. All ages welcome!
Mon - Sat . . . . . . . . 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Class Registration for March classes begins on Saturday, February 1!
Please call us for more information about registration for our Middle School classes.
1255 Kildaire Farm Rd
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 460-6051
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 460-6051
We already like you, even if we haven't met you yet. So call us with your questions. We are real people, just like you, and we thrive on community.
We already like you, even if we haven't met you yet. So call us with your questions. We are real people, just like you, and we thrive on community.